Right now, this is a pretty depressing blog, but the reason being is that I only feel like writing when I feel like crap. If you notice, I haven't made a post in a while. I've been perfectly happy, I just don't feel like writing when I'm happy. =P
I'm hoping to get out of that habit.
I went to Barns & Noble at like, 8:30 last night with my parents, and stayed for about an hour. I left with an armful of books.
That was the first time I'd been there that late. It was nice. Not that it was much different, but there were less people, and the people that were there seemed more interesting... more like... more like me, I guess. Not that I'm interesting. I'm different.
Me, wearing shorts, Batman high-top Converse with bright yellow laces, a shirt that reads "Your Boyfriend Loves Me", a big army backpack with the NOTW symbol on it - along with Zelda OoT pens on it - looking as if it's carrying a lot of books already (which it is), my hair straightened - but an unbrushed mess from working....
Think of that and know that I'm one of those people that doesn't care for the popular things much. Yeah, those are the type of people that were left in the store. Young, like me too. Maybe a little older.
For the store music they were playing music I really liked. I made sure to make note of the lyrics for when I got home and could look them up.
Which, by the way, they played two albums while I was there. "Shrines" by Purity Ring, and "Fragrant World" by Yeasayer.
That's another thing I love about Barns & Noble, they don't play the radio. They just play CD albums.. and it's always stuff I like. One time I was in there and they were playing Lana Del Rey's "Born to Die" album, and I was like, Oh. My. Gosh. Could this place be any more perfect??
I wish I worked there. Like, badly. I'd never come home with any money though. I'd spend my paycheck there all the time.
Oh! Right. Well, if you want to know, these are the books I ended up leaving with, and I just want to talk about one of them (or, rather, talk about the subject of one):
The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn (Alison Weir)
Let me explain this to you. If there was any person I could meet from history, it would be Anne Boleyn. I adore her. She was cunning, smart, and knew exactly what she wanted. Even though she wasn't particularly pretty, she was pretty and charming enough to get the attention of anyone she wanted. She wanted to be queen. I have no doubt that she loved Henry VIII, and he loved her, but the throne was an added bonus. She caught Henry's heart and managed to get him to nullify his marriage with Catherine of Aragon (his first wife that had given him no son), in order to marry Anne. She had a plan, and everything was perfect, except for one very important thing. Anne was failing at giving Henry a son. One girl and and two miscarriages (one of which was believed to be a boy), Henry was starting to think that he had made a mistake. People think she grew desperate enough that she slept with other men in order to conceive a boy, because Henry came to her less and less. They even accused her of sleeping with her brother George. None of these, of course, can be proven. I, like most, firmly believe that she was not unfaithful to Henry.
Because of the accusation of committing incest, she was considered a witch. People demanded her off the throne, and screamed for her head. Henry had no choice. (not like he cared about her anymore anyway)
She was to be executed.
In the end, it seems that she had lost her mind in the Tower, having seen her brother beheaded before her. In her final hours it is said that she seemed happy, as if she was not going to lose her life that day. Others say that she was just ready to leave the world.
She was not even given the "honor" of being beheaded with an ax on a chopping block. On her knees, sitting up, she was beheaded with a sword.
So... yes. Anne is sort of a passion of mine. I can't learn enough about her.
On a random note, I took a profile picture of myself that I actually like.
Truly yours,
P.S. Any guy that can play an acoustic guitar like this, has my heart.